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Sloník se ptá všech dětí: Co Vám na stránkách chybí?

Více her v angličtině (26%)

Více omalovánek (22%)

Pohádky s anglickými slovíčky (27%)

Gramatika a učení jako ve škole (23%)

Interactive stories for teaching kids English


Mouse small bear 4
Are you ready, Ben? Yes, let’s start.  
Mouse small cup
bear 4
Here is something easy.
What is it?
  I think... it is a cup...or not?
Mouse small    
Wow, that’s correct, Ben!    
Dog small
pen bear 4
And what is this?   Hmm, it is not so easy, Dany.
Dog small
bear 4
Yes, it is more difficult.
But, what is it?
  A pen?...
No, it is A PENCIL !!!
Dog small
You are so smart, Ben!    
Mouse small cake
bear 4
And what is this?   It is something big
...and heavy... and sweet!
Mouse small Dog small Bear small
Hahaha, yes, that’s correct, Ben! It is your birthday cake! Happy birthday!

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