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Angličtina pro děti - games

Crosswords for kids - Little Animal

Learn English vocabulary with crosswords! The hidden word in this crossword is a little animal. This animal is very slow. Do you know what it is?

words in the crossword puzzle:

  1. The ...... is shining from the sky. It´s like a yellow ball.
  2. In winter there is a lot of .... It is white and cold.
  3. For carrying things we use a ........ When you travel a lot, you usually take it with you.
  4. It is not small. It is ...... (opposite)
  5. What is the colour of the sun?

Interactive stories for teaching kids English. Quizzes for teaching English. Elementary English grammar for kids. Games for kids pre school. Family activities. This activity can make your children learn English. Even pre school children are able to use it, because our activities have been made to bring English to little children, to make English fun activities for kids.

Our new project: - Nanotechnology ( ctalog of Nanotechnology companies and products, Nanotechnology Exhibitions and Events and Nanotechnology Magazine).

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